Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beware of the "Bike Pump"

Beware of the bike pump.....

what does that mean?

many agents in our industry are reliable, honest and hard working but there a some who I like to call the "Bike Pumpers".

Who are these agents?

Well, they're pretty easy to spot. These guys are the agents who walk into your front door with their pants around their ankles and a bike pump in their hand. You know, the agents who charge price cut fees and over-price your house.

This guy will say something like this "Yeah, I can get get you $30,000 more than what the other agent said they could get you and I'll only charge half of what they do!".

Don't fall for this blatant nonsense.

The bike-pump agent is actually doing you a dis-service by inflating your property price and he's hoping you fall for this trick just so he can get your listing.

You see, bike-pump agents over-price property and undercut their fees because they're not skilled enough to compete. quite literally it's the only way they can compete. If the bike-pump agent were to price property fairly and charge what the other agents charge he wouldn't last because he cannot NEGOTIATE.

An agent should be paid a fair fee for the services they provide. I am not suggesting that agents should take too much, what I am saying is that if an agent can't defend his own money how can he defend yours?

Furthermore, if an agent can't demonstrate their NEGOTIATION skills with you by discussing things like price, fees and marketing how can they ever NEGOTIATE on behalf of you?


It takes no negotiation skills to undercut your opposition.
It takes no negotiation skills to over-price a home.

Agents that do this prove that they are poorly skilled and unable to work hard for their client.

A GOOD agent will negotiate with their client before the home is listed.
A GOOD agent will prove to their client that they can negotiate.
A GOOD agent will stand by their pricing and fees

Agents that do this prove that they are highly skilled and are the right choice for their client.

Don't fall for the bike-pump agent.

make sure you scrutinise the way your agent communicates with you. make sure you check that your agent defends their fee. Make sure your agent prices you home properly and make sure that your agent is prepared to tell you things that sometimes you may not want to hear.


Because an agent who does these things is a great negotiator and will do the same things when dealing with a buyer for your house.

Buying, Selling or Renting...

There is only one choice, Halliwell Property Agents. Your now is our now.

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